Online MBA: Complete Guide | Top Ranked Colleges | Best Courses by Top Universities
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Top colleges or universities for MBA are listed below on the basis of placement, education quality ,infrastructure etc:-
IIM Ahmedabad - Indian Institute of Management:- it is the best college that you can get in the country for MBA as it is been ranked 1 in INRF ranking 2019
IIM Bangalore - Indian Institute of Management IIM Kolkata XLRI Xavier School of Management MDI Gurgaon - Management Development Institute SPJIMR - S.P. Jain Institute of Management and Research Indian School of Business, Hyderabad
To the complete list visit our page the link for the same is given below
here are i am lisiting some colleges
1. indian institute of management ahmedabad
2. indian institute of management bangalore
3. indian institute of management, calcutta
4. XLRI- xavier school of managament , calcutta
5. indian institute of managament indore
6. mangament development institute , gurgaon
7. indian institute of management, luknow
8. indian institute of management, kozhikode
9. national institute of industrial emgineering , mumbai
10. shailesh J mehta school of management , indian institute of technology, delhi
for more colleges you may refer to the link mentioned below
hope this helps!
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