NIOS provides flexible i choice of subjects - Learner can prefer subjects of his/ her choice from the given list.
Admission – Learner can take nios admission online under various streams or through study center for secondary and senior secondary courses.
Examination - The public examinations are held twice in a year. Nine examination chances are offered to a learner in five years of his/ her registration.
On Demand Examination - A learner can also appear under the on demand examination system (ODES) of NIOS at the secondary course and 15 years for the senior secondary course
Age Limit – There is no upper age limit for admission. However, the minimum age for enrolment is 14 years for the secondary course and 15 years for the senior secondary course in NIOS.
Choice of Medium - A Hindi, English, Urdu, Marathi, Telgu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Tamil and Odia mediums for secondary stage. B) Hindi, English, Urdu, Bengali, Gujarati and Odia medium for senior secondary stage.
Additional Subjects - A learner can select either at the time of admission or during the course of study if he/she so desire or if it is required.
Continuous Assessment - During course of study, internal assessment will be done to assignment (TMA’S) and personal contact programmes (PCP).
Transfer of Credit - A learner can avail the facility of transfer of credit (TOC) to a maximum of two subjects passed a recognized board of school education.
Hope this helps
Wish you luck