uptu entrance exam for b pharma goverment collage k liye syllabus kya hai? which book are necessary for crack the uptu entrance exam for a bio student????
Hi aspirant,
You asked for the important books & syllabus for UPSEE preparation.
Upsee syllabus: 10+2 physics & chemistry, Mathematics/Biology.
Upsee important books:
For physics: UP board textbook for 11& 12, Arihant solve papers, H. C. Verma, D. C. Pandey.
For chemistry: UP board textbook for 11 & 12, Books of P. Bahadur, R. C. Mukherjee; Arihant solve papers.
For biology: Ncert, UP board textbook for 11& 12.
For math: Books by R. D. Sharma
All the best !!