Vijaybhoomi University is setting up now. What exactly is the objective of VijayBhoomi? What does it look for?
It is addressing a very crucial gap in the education space of India. The major gap is, I think, we need more Universities which can connect to the industries to build professionals. But what kind of professionals? The three important aspects that we are looking at is that allowing the students to actually discover what they are good at so our institution is multidisciplinary. We are allowing the students to go through each of the areas where they may be good at which is the basic basic intelligence that an individual has like the language, musical intelligence, mathematical intelligence, etc. Now, what happens is intelligence in India is looked at as mathematical intelligence. We want to equate Wordsworth and Einstein in the same way. So after anybody comes in we would allow students to discover what they are good at and then pursue what discipline they would like to go for. So, we have liberal education combined with professional. So, we are the first liberal professional university in India.
Dr. Atish Chattopadhyay
VC, Vijaybhoomi University & Director, IFIM Business School