Vjimvs msrim which is best in term of roi
As per the analyzing report of Careers 360 MS Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore has AAA+ rating which means good & Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad has AAA rating which means Above Average. The rating is based on the research of the colleges on the basis of Placement, Faculty, Corporate Exposure etc.
A large number of soft skill courses, as well as several value added courses like Communication, Personality Development, Debates, Quiz Contests, SAP, Advanced Excel, Digital Marketing, being effective in GDs and Interviews, are organized throughout the year in the campus MS Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore. You can check the placement & CTC offered by each companies visit for campus placement.
MS Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore Placement
The companies visit to the campus VJIMVS like Deloitte, TBRC, ITC Limited, COMLAB India, VKC Group etc. You can check the placement with the given below link.
Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad Placement
You can also check the genuine reviews of the colleges with the given below links.
Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad Reviews
MS Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore Reviews
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