Want to join in Kalakshetra for online part time classes
Kalashetra Foundation offers pratama part time courses only in offline mode that is direct classes are conducted in Kalashetra foundation campus. the courses offered are bharatnatyam, carnatic music-vocal, painting, clay modelling, painting, carnatic international - veena/violin/mridangam. the age limit has to be on 1st of June that is 7 years to 18 years, check out the prospectus at https://kalkbuckmedi21.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/05/Pratama-Prospectus-2022-23.pdf, the timings are evening that is 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm, you can visit the official website at https://www.kalakshetra.in/college/courses/part-time-courses/ to know more details regarding this.