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The difference between CAT & MAT:
CAT is a popular entrance exam conducted by the IIM’s for the candidates seeking admission in the prestigious Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) and other top B-Schools of the country. Every year, lakhs of students take CAT exam for making it to IIMs and another tier I management institutes across the nation.
AIMATS conducts the MAT exam and it is known as the National Entrance Test for MBA and similar programs like PGDM. MAT is carried out four times in a year in February, May, September and December. where as CAT is only once every year.
Exam Mode: CA T is only computer based (online) exam while MAT is Both Computer Based and Paper Based.
Eligibility Criteria : The minimum percentage is required 50% to apply in CAT as a General category & 45% as a reserved category Whereas No minimum percentage required appearing for MAT exam.
College Level : CAT only for Tier I institutes and B-Schools including IIMs. Whereas MAT For Tier II institutes and other B Schools.
Level of Exam: Exam level of CAT is tough than MAT
Level of Competition: Level of CAT Comptition is high than MAT.
For further information about CAT & MAT exams you can go through with given below links.
All about CAT
All about MAT
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