We have to clear MAT first to get admission in this college?
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To get enrolled in any reputed B School across India You need to have a valid score of either of the national level aptitude test like MAT/CAT/XAT/CMAT/ATMA . Along with the Score of the aptitude test,colleges also look for communication skill,domain knowledge, current affairs knowledge, personality and way of articulation.
Unitedworld assess all the parameters mentioned above.
For my cousin sister when I was visited the kolkata campus of Unitedworld School of Business, I was queried for the same and I got to know that for taking admission in this college, student have to follow those steps :
At first the student have to apply for the college,
Then the student have to clear the selection test of this college like have to sit for the GT and PI and accordingly if the student will be selected then the admission will be confirmed by the college.
Now about the documentation when my cousin sister was filled up the application form she has to submitted her educational documents, ID proof and the valid admit card and score card of MAT, but as per I know you can submit any entrance examination source card or admit card like MAT,CAT,CMAT,XAT etc.
These are the admission criterias for taking admission at Unitedworld School of Business Ahmedabad.
1. The applicant need to be a Graduate or a Final year graduating student.
2. You must have a valid CAT/MAT/XAT/ATMA scorecard
3. The candidate must accomplish successfully through the GDPI Process.
4. Final admission is given on the basis of nerit list based on overall weightages of overall academic career, competitive exam score card and GDPI performance.
Admission in UWSB, Ahmedabad takes places on the basis of scores obtained by a candidate in CAT / CMAT / MAT / XAT / ATMA / Any
other National Level Entrance Test.
Eligibility Criteria- Graduates in any discipline from a recognized University. Candidates in their final year of graduation may also apply .
Selection Process involves three stages mentioned below-
Stage – I
The date and venue for the Selection Round will be intimated to the shortlisted candidates through email,letter and phone call on receipt ofapplication form.
Stage - II
The selection round comprises of on the spot presentation / Group discussion / Case analysis, WAT,Psychometric Test and Personal Interview.
Stage - III
Selected Candidates will be intimated via mail and letter. The admission will be confirmed on receipt of requisite fees as mentioned in the admission offer letter.
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we can get admission through mat???
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