we have to do basic registration for november aiims 2019 again???
Hi Debasmita,
The application form for AIIMS PG 2019 is esentially divided into two steps- The Basic Registration Step and The Final Registration Step. If you have completed the Basic Registration Step for the January session, then you are not required to undergo through any registration process again. The process for final registration begins when the basic registration form is accepted by the concerned authorities. The last day for the basic registration is the 19th of February, 2019. The final registration begins on the 22nd March, 2019 and lasts uptil 2nd April, 2019. The examinations are due on the 5th of May.
So, if your basic registration is done, sit back and relax. Your status of application form (basic) will be out by the 8th of March, 2019.
All the best.
To know more about the examination, click on the following link and read up at Careers 360 https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/aiims-pg-application-form