what about the non math student applying for IPMAT Will it be scorable?
Number system, LCM & HCF, Percentage, Quadratic Equations, Binomial Theorem, Functions, Mensuration, Permutation and Combination, Probability, Profit, Loss and Discounts, Simple and Compound Interest, Progressions, Ratio and Proportion, Mixtures and Alligations, Logarithms, Time, Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Trigonometry, Geometery, Problems on Ages, Series and Unitary Method, Set Theory, Data Interpretation and Equations.
Vocabulary, Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Sentence Rearrangement, Sentence Correction, Sentence Completion, Correct Usage of words and phrases and verbal analogies.
So QA is where you will need to focus. It needs lot of practise wherher your are a Math student or not. Because this section involves mathematics and takes most of your time, your focus should be on solving the problems efficiently in the beginning. Even if it takes time, practise upto perfection. Practise as many questions as you can in the conventional way. As and when you get a grip on the subject, you can go for short cuts. Memorise tables, square roots, cube roots, conversion from percent to fraction, etc. Solve sample papers on Mathematics. In the beginning, do not worry about the time it takes. As you practise, you will get the hang of the subject and it will be easier for you.
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