what all subjects will come in cse with ai and ml .I am very confused on taking which course in cse. I like programming extremely .but I hate physics chemistry .will physics and chemistry come as a subject in college. kindly help me I am very confused
Dear Student ,
Generally in 1st year , students need to study almost all branches of engineering as a basic level with physics and chemistry subjects. Well, the syllabus may differ institute wise .. But , on average you can predict that there will be subjects like Applied physics , chemistry and other required subjects to be taught at basic level .
You can get the detailed syllabus from your preferred college's website (if available)
Generally some of the subjects may include in CSE(AI & ML) is as follows :[from 2nd year]
- Discrete Mathematics
- Applied Machine Learning
- Digital Electronics
- Data Structures
- Python
- Raspberry Pi
- Introduction to AI and others topics
Hope this helps !
Hi, hope you are doing well.
The entire syllabus for CSE(AI and ML) is as follows:
Electrical Technology
Applied Physics - I
Probability and Statistics
Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
Introduction to Machine Learning
Python Basics
Design/Creativity Multimedia Application Lab
Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Applied Mathematics
Getting Started with Arduino
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Environmental Studies
Application based Programming in Python
Data Structures and Algorithms
Foundations of Computer Science
Computer Based Numerical and Statistical Techniques
Introduction to Databases and Warehouse
Foundations of Data Science
Digital Electronics
Applied Machine Learning
Sensing and Data Mining for Smart Structures and Systems
Data Acquisition
Database Management Systems
Computer Organization and Architecture
Computer Vision Basics
Design Thinking & Artificial Intelligence – Future of Innovation
Deep Learning Foundation
Digital Communication
Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Web Technologies
Cognitive Analytics
Compiler Design
Pattern and Anomaly Detection
Cryptography and Network Security
Operating Systems
Mobile Application Development for Entrepreneurs
Communication WKSP 3.0
Human Computer Interaction
Reinforcement Learning
Micro Processor & Embedded Systems
Application of AI & Machine Learning in Industries
Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Seminar/Minor Project/Workshop
Capstone Project Work Phase I (Based on AI & Machine Learning)
Universal Human Value & Ethics
Current Applications of AI
Digital Image Processing
Operating Systems
Cyber Law and Ethics
Capstone Project Work Phase II (Based on AI & Machine Learning)
Hope this helps.
Best wishes