What are chapterwise important questions for jee mains?
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By average, number of questions asked in past JEE Main / Advanced Physics papers:
Current Electricity: 8 questions each yearElectrostatics: 4 questions each yearOptics: 3 questions each yearHeat and Thermodynamics: 2 questions each yearLaw of Motion: 2 questions each yearWaves: 2 questions each yearSimple Harmonic Motion: 2 questions each yearVery important topics for JEE/ read together topicsGravitation & Electrostatics conceptually similarCurrent Electricity & Heat Transferconceptually similarSHM & Sound/String wavesRay Optics and Wave opticsElectromagnetic Induction & Alternating CurrentDouble bonanza-Both Physics and chemistry chapters to be studied togetherHEAT & Thermodynamics, States of matter- Atomic structure, modern physicsExpect atleast one question from Measurement of Errors/ units & dimensions /Vectors ( Easy chapter. Also Knowing correct units help to eliminate options in MCQs and vectors are essentialy to know and helpful in maths as well)Atleast one question from Kinematics/Newtons Laws of Motion/FrictionTwisted section-Centre of Mass, Momentum and CollisionRotational DynamicsFluid Mechanics Bernoullis principle can be easily twisted to ask some tricky questions.MagnetismMix & match/EASY/direct/Formula based/ general questions-Study atleast onceand note down important formulas and tricks.Circular Motion Elasticity Calorimetry & Thermal ExpansionSemiconductors and Electronic Devices Communication systems
Chemistry is the most scoring subject of JEE.
1.Chemical Bonding & the periodic table/ redox reactions / mole concept most important and to be studied together
2.Carbonyl Compounds & their derivatives/ alkanes/ aromatic systems- best chapters to master organic chemistry
By average Number of questions asked in previous year JEE Main / Advanced Chemistry papers:
Transition Element and Coordination Chemistry 3 questions are asked each year on an average in JEEPeriodic Table and Representative Elements 3 questionsGaseous State 2 questionsAtomic structure 2 questionsAmines 2 questionsSolution and Colligative Properties 2 questionsGeneral Organic Chemistry 2 questionsCarboxylic Acids and Derivatives 1 questionHydrocarbons 1 questionCarbohydrate, Amino Acids and Polymer 1 questionOther high Weightage chapters areAlcohols, Phenols, ethersP block
By average Number of questions asked in previous year JEE Main / Advanced Maths papers:
Coordinate Geometry 7 Questions were asked on an average every year in the JEEContinuity/ Differentiability, Limits 3 QuestionsComplex No., Quadratic Equation 3 Questions eachIntegral Calculus 3 QuestionsSequence and Series 2 QuestionsTrigonometry 2 QuestionsInverse Trigonometric Functions Weightage: 2%Circles and Family of Circles Weightage: 6%Applications of Derivative &Limit and Continuity Weightage: 6%Matrices and Determinants Weightage: 4%Straight Lines and Pair of Straight Lines Weightage: 2%3-D Geometry Weightage: 5% - formula basedProbability and Statistics Weightage: 7%.Vector Algebra Weightage: 5%Integration Weightage: 8%(Definite + Indefinite )Complex Numbers Weightage: 5%Parabola Weightage: 3%Trigonometric Ratios Weightage: 3%Theory of Equations Weightage: 5%Sets, Relations and Functions Weightage: 4%Differentiation Weightage: 2%Permutation and Combination (study with probability)Hyperbola & Ellipse Weightage: 4%
The physics portion for JEE has 20 chapters , all in all, that have to be covered over 2 years time. Of these 20 chapters, there are 10 topics which you should spend good amount of time on:
- Dimensional Analysis – Although a very easy chapter but knowing correct units and dimensions for physical quantities can easily help you to eliminate options in multiple choice type of questions
- Gravitation & Electrostatics – These chapters are conceptually similar to each other (in terms of attractive forces concepts)
- Current Electricity & Heat Transfer – again these are conceptually similar to each other. So, when you read these chapter watch out for the similarities (which might be deceiving at times)
- Electromagnetic Induction, Waves & Sound
- Geometrical Optics , Thermodynamics
- Kinetic Theory of Gases, Rotational Dynamic
These 3 are the most basic concepts that you ought to know. You can expect at-least 1 question from these topics:
- Units and Dimensions – Weightage: 2%
- Measurement of Errors – Weightage: 2%
- Vectors
These topics are classified as fundamentals in physics. You can expect 1 – 2 questions from this section on an actual JEE Paper.
- Kinematics – Weightage: 1%
- Newton’s Laws of Motion – Weightage: 4%
- Friction
These 5 topics are important & easy and can help your score high marks very easily in the JEE:
- Work, Energy and Power – Weightage: 5%
- Electrostatics – Weightage: 6%
- Current Electricity – Weightage: 7%
- Wave Optics – Weightage: 5%
- Ray Optics – Weightage: 6%
As JEE Mains 2018 is approaching you have a limited amount of time now. so utilize this time very well. Now coming to your question, revise all the chapters in which you are strong and confident and practice previous year jee main papers and previous year jee advance single correct questions because sometimes direct question questions can also be asked.
Read NCERT completely specially for chemistry.
And don't neglect chapters like mathematical reasoning, statistics, height and distances, semi-conductors, modern physics, electrical instruments and circuit problems biomolecules, polymers, inorganic reactions.
Just go through these chapters as they are not time-consuming and also you can easily fetch marks from them.
All the very best and good luck.
Listed below are the important topics for JEE Main subject wise based on previous years’ papers.
Important Topics For JEE Main Chemistry:
- p Block Elements
- Coordination Compounds
- Biomolecules and Polymers
- d and f Block elements
- Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
- s Block elements ( Alkali and Alkaline earth Metals) and Hydrogen
- Electrochemistry
- Chemical Kinetics
- Atomic Structure
- Alkanes, Alkenes and Alkynes ( Hydrocarbons)
Important Topics For JEE Main Physics:
- Properties of Matter and Fluid Mechanics
- Electrostatics
- Semiconductors and Communication System
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current
- Ray Optics
- Magnetic Effects of Current
- Laws of Thermodynamics
- Current Electricity
- Atomic Structure in Modern Physics
Important Topics For JEE Main Maths:
- Trigonometrical Ratios, Functions and Identities
- Sequences and Series (Progressions)
- Vector
- Permutation and Combination
- Statistics
- Parabola
- Definite Integration
- Circle
- Indefinite Integration
- Binomial Theorem
- Quadratic Equations
Dear Student,
According to 2017 JEE Main analysis you can check the important chapters for JEE Main below
Capacitance- 6.67%
Current Electricity- 10.00%
Calorimetry & Thermal Expansion- 6.67%
KTG & Thermodynamics- 6.67%
Rigid Body Dynamics- 6.67%
Work, Power & Energy- 6.67%
Modern Physics- 10.00%
Chemical Bonding- 6.67%
S-Block- 6.67%
Alkyl Hallide, Alcohol & Ether (ReactionMechanism)- 13.33%
Mole Concept- 10.00%
Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry- 6.67%
Co-ordinate Geometry (3-D)- 6.67%
Application of Derivatives- 6.67%
Functions- 6.67%
Matrices & Determinants- 6.67%
Probability- 6.67%
Good Luck!!

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