What are documents required after csab special round seat allotment at time of admission ? It's not given in csab site
Hello Anuj,
Hope you are doing well.
First of all you need to visit the official website of the college in which you are getting admitted through CSAB. You will get all the information about documents there itself. If not you may contact and ask the college administration itself.
There are few documents which you might arrange before visiting the college :
- 10th, 12th, category(ifaapplicable) certificates
- TC, Bonafide
- Medical certificate from a recognized doctor
- JEE admit card, score cards
- CSAB allotment letter
- Photo identity card
- Photographs
- Anti - ragging Affidavit
- Proof of payment to CSAB for participation and seat acceptance
I hope my answer was helpful.
Have a great day ahead.