what are fitness criteria to join Indian armed forces as a doctor... after completing MBBS??
Hello Aspirant,
Firstly MBBS doctors are allowed for short serviced commission in army as an officer so you will get to serve in army limited time.
Coming to the main point of fitness criteria you can refer to SSB Interview as same sort of Fitness test is done here with all type physical,mental testing so you need to be as fit as an Indian army officer because you would the same when commission so you can get many articles regarding fitness.
Hello student ,
To join indian armed forces as a doctor after completing Mbbs you need to give exam of Medical officer . In the army medical officer is a official doctor who is allowed to treat army men and their forces . Further for Armed Forces Medical Services as a doctor you have to appaer for interview , held at New Delhi by a panel of Army Doctors where candidates are tested on their knowledge of medical subjects and attitude followed by medical examination of the candidate. Beside this for fitness criteria they will only check problems like who have curable problems like, overweight, underweight etc.
Hope it helps !