what are homonyms and homophones? esplain with suitable example
Homophones are words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling. These words may be spelled differently from each other (such as to, too, and two), or they may be spelled the same way (as in quail meaning ‘to cower’ and quail meaning a type of bird).
- to/two/too
- there/their/they're
- pray/prey
- knight/night
- dear/deer
Homonym may be used to refer to either homophones or to homographs. Some people feel that the use of homonym should be restricted to words that are spelled alike but are different in pronunciation and meaning, such as the bow of a ship and the bow that shoots arrows.
- Current – a flow of water/up to date
- Kind – a type of something/caring
- Right – correct/opposite of left
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