What are stepwise procedure for analysis of chemical composition of biomolecules ?
Hello Student ,
The composition of living tissue/biomolecules can be studied by chemical analysis. The stepwise procedure is as follows
- Living tissue is taken and grinded in trichloroacetic acid.
- Then the mixture is strained with a cheese cloth
- Filtrate and Retentate are obtained after straining.
- Filtrate contains the acid solube pool - Mol Wt of biomolecules- 18-1800 Daltons . These are biomicromolecules.
- Retentate contains Acid Insoluble pool - Mol Wt of biomolecules - >800 D. These are biomarcomolecules.
Note : Lipids are absent in biomicromolecular pool due to their non polar nature. They associate and form larger compounds.