what are subjects for mbbs students in upsc IAS
UPSC Civil Service Exam consists of three stages as follows
To give you a brief about the exam;
Preliminary consists of 200 Marks for each paper, it's in MCQs format, you just need to score the required cut offs against your category.
It consists of GS Paper-I including topics such as History of India and Indian national movement, Indian and World geography, Economic and social development- sustainable development, poverty,inclusion demographics, social sector initiatives etc,Indian polity and governance-constitution,political system,Current Events nationally and Internationally, General Science,General Issues on environmental ecology,biodiversity and climate change.
The second paper is CSAT which is qualifying by nature,
you need to score 33%, that is 66 marks out of 200, it includes topics such as basic numeracy, comprehension, logical reasoning and analytical ability, general mental ability, decision making and problem solving, interpersonal skills including communication skills.
Prelims marks are not added in the final list,
Coming to Mains it's more of a subjective type, one needs to write answer for Four General Studies Paper such as
GS-I includes Indian Heritage and Culture,History and Geography of the World and Society,
GS-II includes Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International Relations,
GS-III includes Technology, Economic Development, Bio-Diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management,
GS-IV includes Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude
Two Optionals, One Essay, two language paper, there are total nine papers here. 250 marks for each paper, total is 1750 marks followed by Personality Test of 275 marks.
Now, coming to your question, the structure of UPSC exam of three stage remains same for every aspirant whether they belong to medical, science, engineering, art, etc.
If your query is regarding medical science as an optional subjects, then it consists of two papers;
Paper I has the following topics;
Human Anatomy
Human Physiology
Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Paper II has the following topics:
General Medicine
General Surgery
Obstetrics and Gynecology including Family Planning
Community Medicine(Preventive and Social Medicine)
I've stated the core areas of two paper, the syllabus of medical science is too vast and due to word limit I cannot provide more details, but I will request you to go through this year official notification at https://www.upsc.gov.in/sites/default/files/Notification-CSPE_2020_N_Engl.pdf to know more details regarding this.
There is no specific subject for MBBS. IAS exam is all about general studies , current affairs. So the subject are common for everyone.
But you have 1 option while selecting an optional subject for mains exam. If you were good in your graduation then you can select medical science as a subject . But if you have any doubt choose anthropology , pyschology etc.....as an optional subject..
Always try to choose an easy subjects for optinal I mean the subject you like most . As it can help you to score more marks in mains exam and get a good rank......
So I think you should choose anthropology as an optional subject as you are medical student so it will be easy for you.
Good Luck!!!
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