What are the chances of getting a call from DSM/DTU at 76 percentile in CAT?
Hi Aishwarya,
Based on previous years' results, DSM DTU's 2019 cutoff can be expected to be around 80 + percentile, however these are just my speculation so kindly consider it likewise. Sine cutoffs are very relative, they change by a margin every year, whether an increase or a decrease, also because they are based on a number of factors such as the number of seats available, difficulty level of the exam, number of candidates sittinf gor the exam etc.
Therefore, I advice you to kindly just wait for the cutoff as and when they are out. I hopw this was helpful, all the very best!
Your chances to get call from dtu are very less or even not possible as cutoff for dtu was around 85 percentile previous year for general category.
All the best
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