What are the differences between Computer Science Engineering and IT Engineering? Knowing a few OOP languages from before, is it helpful?
Hey Shubhank Chandak,
Definitely yes, they are completely different than each other. Computer science is defined as “the study of the principles and use of computers.” While information technology is defined as “the study or use of systems (especially computers and telecommunications) for storing, retrieving, and sending information.”. While IT and CS degrees can lead to similar jobs, the differences between the two are quite pronounced. IT professionals should enjoy installing computer systems, using software and maintaining networks and databases, while computer scientists should enjoy mathematics and software design. They have different careers and different work environment, each is unique in one thing than the other. You need to identify which one is your career to go on its track. There are things in common which you might take in the beginning of your study if you feel confused or not determined and later on you can decide which one you need to continue in. computer science careers are the following (but not limited to):
· Software applications developer. Daily duties: ...
· Computer systems analyst. Daily duties:
· Computer systems engineer. Daily duties:
· Network systems administrator. Daily duties: · Database administrator. Daily duties: · Business intelligence analyst. Daily duties: ...
· Web developer...
· Computer programmer.
While information technology careers are:
1. Computer systems analyst
2. Information security analysts
3. Computer user support specialists
4. Computer network support specialists
All the best!
It is imperative that you have good sense of Programming and applications, which indiactes both IT and CompScienece are best branches tailor made for you.
Having past knowledge shall come in handy and make easier for you to grasp fundamentals.
Now coming to difference,
CS deals with building and designing of hardwares like microprocessor, Chip Planning, Harsware and network orchestration, Network Planning and Routing as well as programming side.
IT majorly deals with programming , management querries and applications which makes bsuiness sense.This is more of analytical as compared to CS.
Overall, Recruiters prefer CS students due to their better insights and overview of all areas.
The cutoffs for CS is generally on higher side as compared to IT, which deduces that CS is preferred choice amobgst recruiters and students both.