what are the important topics for neet ug?
While preparing for NEET exam, it becomes very important for students to know about the important topics so that they can prepare smartly for the exam. Frankly there is nothing like important in NEET exam, but still there are topics which are asked frequently in the exam and you can understand it by analysing the previous year papers. So, do analyse the previous year papers, in order to prepare well for the exam. Also do not forget to revise the topics again and again and attempting questions.
Biology :-
Diversity in Living World
Cell Structure and Function
Plant Physiology
Human Physiology
Structural Organization in Animals and Plants
Genetics and Evolution
Ecology and Environment
Biology and Human Welfare
Read more:- https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/do-or-die-chapters-for-neet
Chemistry :-
Structure of Atom
Chemical bonding
D and f block elements
Alcohols, phenols and ethers
Chemistry in Everyday life
Physics :-
Laws of Motion
Work, Energy and Power
Current Electricity
Electromagnetic Induction
Electronic Devices
THank you!
Dear Aspirant,
Hope you are doing well
As there are many topics in NET UG entrance exam which one's should considered as important topic as there is uncertainity in NEET exam like other exams.On basic of marks distribution some of the important topics are as follows:
- s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
- Some p-Block Elements
- Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques
- Hydrocarbons
- Environmental Chemistry
- Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
- Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
- Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
- Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
- Biomolecules
- Kinematics
- Laws of Motion
- Work, Energy and Power
- Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
- Gravitation
- Optics
- Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
- Atoms and Nuclei
- Electronic Devices
- Structural Organization in Animals and Plants
- Cell Structure and Function
- Plant Physiology
- Human physiology
- Reproduction
- Genetics and Evolution
- Biology and Human Welfare ...and many more
You can also visit the link mentioned below to know more about NEET UG syllabus
Hope this helps you a lot.
Have a good day and great future ahead..
Hello candidate,
As per your query,
1) Biology - botany and zoology
2) Chemistry - Physical, Organic and Inorganic
3) Physics - Physics 1 and physics 2
This is the correct syllabus of neet UG , As you are asking for Important topics so candidate all topics are important,we can't say that this much questions will come from this topic and this or that topic is less important.
No all topics are important,
But for your convenience I can tell you some very important topics as per the last 2 years survey : For biology the unit 10 (12th NCERT) unit 4 ( 11th ncert) unit 5, unit 7 ( Genetics and evolution)
For chemistry inorganic learn NCERT topics,for physical solve MCQs and for organic read and practice reactions from NCERT.
For physics your concepts must be cleared and have to solve more and more MCQs
All topics are of equal importance
( 1 question from every topic)
Best luck
Hi there,
Candidates should do smart study when they are preparing for exams in less time. One should focus on important chapters that have more weightage in exam then others chapters.
Here,I am enlisting some important chapters fir neet ug that a candidate must do to score good marks in neet.
For Biology:
Plant kingdom
Biological Classification.
Cell: structure and functions.
Plant physiology
Animal/ Human physiology
Genetics and Evolution
Ecology and Environment
Biology in human welfare
Structural organization in plants and animals
For Chemistry:
Some basic principles of Organic chemistry
Atomic structure
Chemical bonding and molecular structure
Coordination compound
Inorganic chemistry
Physical chemistry
For physics:
Properties of bulk matter
Oscillations and Waves
Electronic devices
Electromagnetic induction and Alternating currents
Motion of system of particles and rigid body
For more details follow this link: https://www.google.com/amp/s/medicine.careers360.com/articles/do-or-die-chapters-for-neet/amp
Hope it helps you
Good luck!
Hello Aspitant,
NEET 2022 syllabus for Physics
Class |
Important topics |
Physics topics class XI |
Physics topics class XII |
NEET 2022 syllabus for Chemistry
Class |
Important topics |
Chemistry topics class XI |
Chemistry topics class XII |
NEET 2022 syllabus for Biology
Class |
Important topics |
Biology topics class XI |
Biology topics class XII |
For more information check this link:
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