what are the important topics for study for mba of mahcet?plz tell me..bcz i don't know what should i study for it??
Hello! hope you are doing good
MAHCET is a management based entrance exam. Among a number of topics provided, some topics require special focus and attention. I'll list them for you
Logical- Abstract Reasoning
Conditional Coding, Selection Criteria, Blood Relations, Input/Output, Coding/Decoding, Venn DiagramVerbal Ability, Syllogisms, Sequential Output, Symbol-based Comparison, Linear and Circular Arrangement, Direction
Quantitative Aptitude: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Probability, Ratio & Proportion, Numbers, Percentage, Quantitative Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Data Interpretation – Graphs, Charts, Tables
Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension: Antonyms, Vocabulary, Comprehension of passages, Grammar, Synonyms, Sentence completion, arrangement, Correction, Spelling/Inappropriate usage
All the best