What are the maximum marks we have to gain in the NID DAT entrance exams?
Hello Katakamsetty Bharath Kumar...
It is different for different for different categories...
DAT reservation criteria is as follows
1.general category:reservation % (number of seats)51.5%
2.other backward class-non-creamy layer(obc-ncl):27%
3.for sc:15%
4.for st:7.5%
candidates belongs to reserved categories like st,sc,obc-ncl and pwd categories are declared as qualified on the basis of a relaxed critetion as follows
1.obc-ncl:10% less than cut off score of open category
2.sc:20% less than cut off score of an open ctegory
3.st:20% less than cut off score of an open category
4.pwd:30% less than cut off score of an open category.
All the best
Thank you
hello aspirant,
National level entrance design exam consists of prelims and mains .candidates who qualify the first stage can eligible for second stage .
the minimum marks and cutoff percentile will be different for different categories:
1)opening percentile is 50 to be eligible for bachelors of design
2) for obc, the qualifying percentile score is 45 %
3) for SC,ST,PWD category students , 40 percentile marks are required .
students need to meet that requirements of percentile to gain in NID DAT entrance exam.
however,marks varies every year depending up on number of students attempting exam and hence the marks should depends on the percentile score .
hope you understood
thank you
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