what are the qualifications required for the artificial intelligence for non cs student
It is not necessary to be from a CS background or any background for that matter. You will need to have basic technical knowledge about the some of the subjects such as maths ( calculas , linear alzebra , statistics etc). You can get this knowledge from universities but you can self study too. There are many online classes and tutorials that gives you basic knowledge about all this. You have to be a programmer i.e. you should learn couple of languages such as python , C++, java etc.
You should have basic knowledge of undergraduate, computer programming. You can all this languages from online courses that are offered by my websites and online education portals.
Learn machine learning too as it will help in achieving the goals of mailny artificial intelligence. To study all this you can join any reputed institute or you can learn from online courses that are available and remember to study only from reputed online teaching portals.