What are the school timings for students studying in 11 and 12 in St. Joseph School, Bhaktinagar?
The school timings for students studying in 11 and 12 in St. Joseph School, Bhaktinagar, may vary depending on the specific academic year. It's recommended to contact the school directly or check their official website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Here are some potential ways to get the information:
- Contact the school directly: Call the school office or email the administration to inquire about the school timings.
- Check the school's website: Many schools publish their school timings on their website. Look for a section about "School Timings" or "Academic Calendar."
- Inquire with other students: If you know any students who attend St. Joseph School, ask them about the school timings.
By using these methods, you should be able to find out the exact school timings for students in 11 and 12.
I hope this information helps you.