What are the scopes and benefits of MBA International Business ?
Today, every business is going to expand itself in International market. It is the age of competition and everyone is trying to adopt the money-making technique. To recognize yourself in International market is one of the factors that show you are in a race.
MBA in International Business is a postgraduate programme which equips the students with the sufficient knowledge and training for the all needed basic knowledge of International Business.
It is a degree designed to develop the resources and capability of managers in the global economy. The academic education has been initiated in the year 1946 in America by the American Institute of Foreign Trade.
Many industries and organization are hiring the Graduates of International Business to represent their company and business with sound and practical knowledge.
In todays world we all are aware of the fact that need/demand of MBA degree holders is increasing day by day. So, the scope of MBA in international business is very much demanding and vast. After completing this degree, you can join various enterprises or firms anywhere. MBA is a perfect course for running your business. You can also find unlimited jobs in this field.
In the course curriculum of the MBA in International Business, the students are taught about the; procedure and documentation involved in export and import, methods of approaching customers in foreign countries, currency conversation & fluctuation, raising capital from international market and distribution market.
In the first year, the students know about the basic knowledge of general management with international business. In the second year the students can go for choosing the specialization in the area of finance, marketing, supply chain management with the emphasis of international business.
An MBA in IB is 2 years full-time or part-time or through distance education programme. It is offered by the various institutions in and out of the country.
Courses :-
1) Export and Import Management
2) International Marketing
3) Foreign Exchange Management
4) International Finance
5) International Logistics.
Admission Process :-
The student must have to appear the entrance test such as MAT 2019/CAT 2019/XAT 2019 or ATMA 2019 before to get the admission in MBA with any specialization.
After qualifying the entrance exam, students will be called for a second round which includes group discussion and personal interview.
Yes, you can do the MBA in IB through the distance learning education programme. Some of the universities conducts the entrance exams. Sikkim Manipal University and Indira Gandhi National Open University are offering the distance MBA programme. The IGNOU conducts the OPENMAT 2019 as entrance test.
Colleges :-
1) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT 2019), New Delhi
2) Amity International Business School, Noida
University of Delhi, Delhi
3) Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh
4) Symbiosis Institute of International Business, Pune
5) Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Jobs :-
1) Export managers and executives
2) International business consultant
3) Consultant
4) International Business Development Manager
5) International Marketing Manager
6) International Finance Manager
7) Global Business Manager
8) Export coordinator
9) Account Manager
10) Brand Manager
11) Management Consultant
12) Marketing Manager
13) Project Managers
14) Material Manager
15) Supplier Manager
16) nvestment Banking Manager
Azim Musa Shaikh

MBA in International Business is a highly growing field with all the going global. An international exposure and an understanding of how business operates in each country or the global economic and business scenario is what most companies look for. You will be taught course like International Trade, Interntional Economy, Business, strategic thinking, Vuca World, Leadership etc.
You may get jobs like Global HR manager, International Finance, Trade relations, Compliance adbisry etc. Also this is one field where not many people have specialised so far even though there is a growing demand in market. So if you specialise in this you will be in huge demand and salary will be higher.