What are the specializations available in Myra ?
There are many specialisations available. Please go through the website and dounlode the e Boucher u and find the courses offered.
MYRA School of Business, Mysore offers a 2-year full-time Post Graduate Diploma in Management.
It Offers dual specialisations in Finance, Accounting, Marketing, Supply Chain Management, Management / Strategy, Analytics and Information Systems.
According to last year placement record, the minimum salary offered was Rs. 6 lakhs per annum and the maximum salary offered was Rs. 11 lakhs per annum.
Some of the companies / Recruiters who visited the campus are:
Bharti AXA, Coffee Day Group, Cushman & Wakefield India, E&Y, HDFC Bank, HDFC Home Loans, HDFC Life, Innovacx, JP Morgan Chase, Jubilant, Mphasis, Oracle, Sonata
Feel free to ask if you have any more queries. All the best!!