What are the various branches of engineering
There are various branches of engineering:
- Aerospace engineering is concerned with the design, construction and operation of aircraft, aerospace vehicles and propulsion systems.
- Agricultural engineering is concerned with problems associated with agriculture and the rural environment.
- Biomedical engineering is a multi-disciplinary activity in which the application of engineering methods and techniques can solve problems in medicine and the life sciences.
- Chemical engineering is primarily concerned with the production of high-value materials from low-value natural resources, which may be solids, liquids or gases
- Civil engineers provide much of the physical infrastructure for our modern society.
- Computer systems engineering is based upon electrical engineering and computer science.
- Electrical engineering is a term often used to include electronics, computer systems, telecommunications control and electrical power.
- Electronic engineering, on the other hand, deals with devices that use small amounts of electrical energy for various purposes and with systems capable of capturing, storing, analysing and transmitting information.
- Telecommunications engineering (or communications engineering) focuses on communications networks, such as those used by automatic teller machines.
- Structural engineering is concerned with the strength and stability of structures. Structural engineers deal with the analysis, design, construction and maintenance of such things as dams, bridges, large buildings, factories and hospitals
- Software engineering is a relatively new discipline and is an outgrowth of computer systems engineering and computer science.
Resource engineering is concerned with the development and efficient use of natural resources and the management of environment in rural areas.
Engineering Has Many Branches Listed here:
Computer Science Engineering
Electronics and Communication Engineering
Electrical engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Information Technology Engineering
Civil Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Aeronautical Engineering
Agricultural engineering
Mining engineering
Biochemical engineering
Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
There are many more sub Branches of above-mentioned Branches for more details please visit.