what are topic wise marks/weightage in MAHA MBA CET ?
MAH CET MBA is to be conducted for 150 minutes in cbt mode, there are a total of four sections such as logical reasoning with 75 questions, abstract reasoning with 25 questions, , quantitative aptitude with 50 questions, and verbal ability/reading comprehension with 50 questions. one mark is awarded for each correct answer, there is no negative marking,
The integral topics for each section has been mentioned below;
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension consists of topics such as Antonyms, Comprehension of passages, Fill in the blanks, Grammar, Vocabulary, Para Jumbles, Synonyms, Sentence completion, Sentence arrangement, Sentence Correction, Spelling/Inappropriate usage, Phrase replacement, Odd Sentence Para Jumble, Verbal Reasoning
Logical/Abstract Ability consists of the topics such as Symbol-based Comparison, Linear and Circular Arrangement, Direction, Sequential Output, Series Completion, Conditional Coding, Selection Criteria, Venn Diagram, Verbal Ability. Input/Output,Blood Relations, Coding/Decoding, Syllogisms
Quantitative Aptitude consists of topics such as Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Probability, Ratio & Proportion, Numbers, Percentage, Quantitative Reasoning, Data Sufficiency, Data Interpretation - Graphs, Charts, Tables
check out our page at https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/mah-cet-syllabus to know more details regarding this.
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