What books are useful for icar?
Hello Sanjeev,
Here is the list of the best books for ICAR, name as follows;
1. ABC Physics of Holy Faith Publication by A.K.Singh.
2. Dinesh Chemistry by S.K.Singh of S.Chand Publication.
3. Mathematics by K.C.Sinha.
4. Biology of Arihant Publication by Anupama Sinha.
5. N.C.E.R.T Book of Physics.
Hope this will help you. All the best.
Hello Sanjeev
If you are asking about ICAR UG exam, you should refer to the NCERT textbooks for preparation. NCERTs are the best books for preparation and for understanding the basic concepts.
Also, you should check the detailed syllabus and exam pattern.
Go through the link below and refer to the information bulletin for detailed information
Good luck!