what can I get in NIT Bhopal at 97.83 percentile, I am from general category male, home state MP.....
With 97.83 percentile
your rank will be around 22199 - 24955 as per our rank predictor at
It is quite difficult to make prediction but yes as per past year trend , you hold a very good chance to get a seat in NIT Bhopal
For example,
In 6th round of josaa counselling 2020, 37343 rank for general category for gender neutral for home state got a seat in Chemical Engineering in NIT Bhopal
You can check the same at
You also have chances in following branches under home state
Civil Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)
Mechanical Engineering (4 Years, Bachelor of Technology)
And a few more
This prediction is on the past year data basis but cut closing rank for colleges changes every year depending upon factors like number of candidates that write jee main examination, difficulty level of the question paper for different shifts of jee main etc so
To have a personalised report on your chances of getting a college you can go through our college predictor, it will give you complete list of colleges which you can get on the basis of the category you belong to, your home state, your gender etc, the link for jee main college predictor is provided below
If you have any other doubt then you can always reach us to clear them :) we are always available to help you out and guide you