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The mistakes in form filling happen frequently. However, the marks if entered incorrectly can lead to serious problems will getting an admission.
It is advised to email CMAT authorities immediately stating your application ID and the details of the correction to be done.
They would surely help you out in correcting the form.
And do it before the exam and get an email reply from them.
E-mail id:
All the best.
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Hi Aayushi,
The percentage that reflects on your degree certificate is what matters during the admissions.
But some colleges prefer to have an average percentage for assessment. So, if your university provides final year score on the degree certificate then I don't think it would be an issue but if it considers average score or doesn't mention the percentage on the degree certificate then it would be better if you contact the examination authorities and get the details updated accordingly.
Because it won't affect your examination but will cause issues during the admissions.
You can find the contact details on the homepage of the examination website.
Hope this helps.
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