What Course is Best To Choose For Preparing CAT Exam For MBA [B.SC.ACTURIAL SCIENCE OR B.COM]
Hey !
Your choice of course entirely depends your command and interest in the subject. So i would suggest you to choose the field in which you are more comfortable.
If you have equal interest and are just confused about the subject, then i would recommand you to go for B.com as it will be more relevant for you in your later studies of MBA also.
Hope it helps!
First of all let me tell you that since CAT is an apptitute examination it does not matter from which field you do your graduation. It is important that whatever course you do make sure you practice for CAT side by side. Still since you have asked me I will give you the details of the course for your information.
So since you have 2 options in your mind I will tell you what these course offers and than you can decide on your own as to which one to choose from-
Bcom -
Bachelor of commerce -
Is a three year undergraduate course and also one of the most popular course for candidates from commerce background.
In Bcom you will be taught core subjects related to finance and commerce. Subjects like Management accounting, cost accounting, economics, tax, audits, company law will be core of your syllabus. The program is usually spread over 6 semester.
Bcom is most suitable for those candidates looking for making a career in commerce, accounting, finance, banking and insurance.
So are you looking for any of these. If yes it's a right course for you.
To be eligible for Bcom you must have studied commerce in your 12 th class.
As such there is no entrance exam to get admission to bcom as the admissions are purely based on the marks secured in 12 th class exams.
Some of the top colleges offering bcom are -
BSc actuarial science is a 3 year long bachelor program designed to build in students mathematical skills, management, communication, interpersonal skills.
Related fields such as insurance and risk management are also covered as part of the syllabus.
The average fees for this course is between Rs 50k to 3 lakhs depending on the college you get admission to.
Top colleges offering this course includes -
North maharashtra University jalgaon
Bishop heber college Tamil nadu.
Amity University
Chandigarh University
Babu bansari das University.
After completing your course you are hired in organisation for general insurance companies, health insurance, actuarial consulting firms.
Since I have given you some important points about both the course you can decide which one is best suitable for you.
Thank you
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