What does a placement company see in a student?
Dear Arush, The companies do not have all day to spare for you and meticulously bring out the best in you. They have hundreds of Candidates just like you eager to grab an opportunity. If someone wants to hire you, you are their investment and it better be a good investment. For an interview that might take place for approximately 30 mins to 1 hour, it is difficult for a person no matter how experienced he/she is, there might be still questions to ponder and skills to be questioned. So the easiest and best way to judge a person's talent is through his/her academics. And if you haven't been impressive in this field, they check your subject knowledge by asking you questions in the interview. Well, you might not know every answer but being confident, self assured and calm are the keys. Where academics cannot make a mark, impressions can. This is where you need to improve. Create an impression that they can give you a chance and you are a good investment. Commitment is another key. Companies do not want people hopping from one company to another. So show you are committed. Improve your communication skills. What you couldn't translate in the exams to marks, you have another chance to prove that you can do it given a chance. You need to show them that you are ready to accept challenges no matter how big or small they might be.