what happens if i failed in all subjects in 1st sem. DTU/DCE Btech. ME??
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dear deepanshu,
If you failed in few or all subjects in any semester during your B.tech then you have fill the special exam of that semester and it will provide you a chance to clear your paper.
but in some institution if any student failed in all subjects then they treated it as year back and you can't able to fill special exam form.
but in some institutions if any student failed in all subjects then they treated it as paper back in this situation you can fill the special exam form and clear your back paper.
Basically for judging you for fail or pass there will be a total count of your subject in semester 1 and semester 2, see yourself count total number of subject of your both the semester 1 and semester 2 if your failed subjects are more than your pass subjects then you will have year back, if total number of failed subjects are less than the total number of passed subject then you will have to give back exam for these fail subjects.
Best of luck.