What happens if my signature on the CAT admit card is small and not fully visible? Will I still be allowed to write the exam?
see it will be no problem , if the pattern of the signature is same and all the names , surname other details is correct it is absolutely fine. please carry the mentioned id proof in which you have signature for a hassle free entry in exam center.
hope it would help.
Meghana, because your signature is a scanned image, it is understood that it can be small and not visible clearly. So try taking a Photo Id which has a clear image of yours and a Signature that can validate that the candidate is you. So do not panic. Try taking your PAN Card along because that will have your Signature. You will be allowed to write the exam and so do not be worried about it. What is important is to ensure that all the details on the admit card are correct and there is no mismatch of details. Also keep atleast 2 copies of your admit card for future reference. Check this page for Do's and Dont's for tomorrow and also check the last minute preparations that might help you at our page: https://bschool.careers360.com/articles/last-minute-preparation-strategy-for-cat?utm_source=clevertap&utm_medium=bschool-cat-last-minute-23-11-2019 . All the best!!!
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