What if i fail to clear upsc exam ?
There are other options than upsc.
Like ssc, ibps bank p.o., RRB, ssc cgl.
Just a note for you if you hails from general category then there are 6 attempts in upsc. So don't worry if you fail once, twice or thrice. Just believe yourself and go for it again and you will crack the exam with flying colors. You need to be positive and full of optimistic approach in order to clear this exams.
Don't be frightened by virtue of failing once or twice.
It's not the end of the world and I hope now you are getting my point.
I wish you all the best!!
Cheers !!
No problem,
many do fail in the exam,
for general you would get total of 6 attempts.
Hello Siddhi, See life is all about second chance and UPSC CSE provide 6 attempts for General Category candidate... So, even if you fail to clear in 1st attempt then work harder for 2nd attempt with full confidence...
All the best
This is the only fear every aspirant carry in their heart until they see their names in the final merit list.Fear is obvious but determination is another key to get success.
coming to your question, if you will fail
1.you will analyse your mistake and start again with more enthusiasm.
2. You will get another opportunity to find the 'why' factor and introspect.
3.you will clear another competitive exam like IFS ,SSC CGL.
considering another side of the coin maybe you will get pass and laugh one day at yours this question.
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