What is best prefered btech mechanical+MBA or btech mechanical + Masters in mechanical?
Most of the people are strucked between these.Let me help you.After the completion of btech in the stream of Mechanical.Everyone wants to write the GATE exam and wanted to do Masters in a good IIT or getting a job in PSU.To get a Job in PSU you need minimum 70 marks in GATE which generally takes 2-3 attempts.
And there is other way around ,After the completion of BTech in the stream of Mechanical you can even do MBA. If you can prepare well in the final year of B tech you can easily crack CAT exam and get a Good IIM like IIM A,IIM B,IIM C .if you can complete your masters in any of these colleges you will end up getting a High paid salary job 12- 16 lakhs per annum which is very high compared to a PSU job or a job after your masters in Mechanical stream.
It is better to do BTech + MBA if you want a high paid salary job.
Finally if your interested in only Mechanical Core it's not worth to discuss about MBA.
Choose wisely according to your capabilities.
All the Best Nihar....,

It entirely depends on your calling. Before pondering over what is more preferable,you should actually be sure of what drives your interest.
Just imagine yourself being done with four years of B.Tech when you would be officially called an engineer and now ask yourself whether you would still be passionate about learning and exploring technology.If yes,then go for M.Tech that awaits you with lots of amazing opportunities where you can research in the field of technologies and specialise in your work area and then you can go in the field of academics and corporate sectors.
If we talk about MBA,it is the the most lucrative field that equips you with management and leadership skills.It opens before you wide range of career options that vouch for a well-settled life.If you land up in IIMs which are the best when it comes to offering MBA,then your chance of getting placed at good firms increases and with good firms come hefty package and then there is no looking back.
See,both MBA and M.Tech has their own charm and cannot be compared on any "scale of preference".
Good luck.
Hey Nihar.
Well I can assist u in this. See the two options which u have given are having different portfolio in the corporate world.
As the btech+MBA gives u chance to join the company or corporate world as a manager or any other management related job in ur mechanical discipline. But btech+mtech offers u about the deep knowledge in one of the topic related to the mechanical stream to use it to enter into the engineering field as a engineer or any other field work.
Hope u got ur point. ask if any query.
Good luck

If u want to do ur job what u have studied in the stream and want to have a job in engineering field then go for it....it also have a good package jobs.
If you want to go in the management field then definitely you should go for MBA course after Btech. mechanical branch. Otherwise Mtech will be the best option.
In terms of salary, MBA would be a better option but if you do it from too colleges like IIMs.
Good luck.