Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
Hi Arnab,
The shortlist for MBA Admission 2019 with 2187 candidates was announced by FMS Delhi on January 2019. The cut offs for MBA admission 2019 shortlist reveal that the Composite score cut off, based on CAT 2018 sectional weightages has gone down to 53.337 for MBA 2019 as against 58 and 59+ in last two years. The GD PI 2019 composite score (after awarding weightage to CAT 2018 sectional cut score, Composite score cut off)
General 53.337
OBC 39.815
SC 32.086
ST 23.656
So, in terms of percentile for general candidates, cut off to get a call from FMS is around 97+, So for OBC candidates, it is likely around 90-95. It can vary depending on results year by year.
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