What is CFA all about ? What all exams do we need to give for it ? Average salary one can get after completing it ...?
Hi Nikita !
- The Chartered Financial Analyst program or CFA is a popular
professional course that is offered by the US-based CFA Institute
that spans over a minimum of 1.5 years.
- CFA is a graduate-level program that is divided into three levels of examination -I, II and III.
- You would need to complete all 3 levels to be certified.
- The exams are conducted online 2 times in a year.
Eligibility criteria:
> Candidates are required to qualify the bachelor’s degree in any relevant field.
> Candidates who are pursuing their final year of Bachelor degree are also eligible for admission to CFA course.
> Candidate should possess an international travel passport .
> Candidates are required to have work experience(full-time) of at least
4 years for availing for the course.
- For more details , you can visit their Official website www.cfainstitute.org/
- After completion of the course, the salaries can range from 3 to 10 L
basing upon the job profiles such as Finance Analyst, Finance Manager ,
Auditor , Financial Planning and Analysis Manager etc.
Hope this helps, all the best !