What is considered as a Rich Salary in India, USA, Norway, Luxembourg, and Japan?
Hello Raja,
In India the cities are divided into different tiers, if you are from a town which comes under 4 or 5 tier its considered as a small town. Earning around 50,000 is considered rich, now coming to towns which come under 2 or 3 tiers, earning about 1,00,000 is considered rich in these cities. Now finally the 1 tier cities like metro cities( Delhi and Mumbai) earning 1 lakh and more is considered rich.
In case of USA, American's say that if you want to be considered rich then you should have annual income of about $1,00,000.
In case of Norway, 28,000 NOK or 3500 USD per month is considered as average salary in Norway. Anything above that is considered rich in Norway.
In case of Luxembourg , salaries around and above 6000 and 7000 euro is considered rich and high class in Luxembourg with high standard of living.
Lastly in Japan if an individual has an early income of more than 4.5 million yen is considered as rich in Japan.
I hope it helps
Thank you