What is Cut off marks for state quota seats statewise?
As Number of Seats for Medical Colleges are defined they are same. But students which are fighting for the exam are different every year. So competition Every year is not same it sometime tough sometimes not so tough. This competition is all what decides what will be the cut off for any medical College. So we can't Specify what's definate cut of for any state medical College.
I hope that was helpful. All the best for your NEET. You just focus on your best, the best out their is already Waiting for you somewhere.
All the best.
With Regards.
The cutoff is not predecided.
On the basis of the level of exam and performance of students, the marks are set because the no. Of seats are almost the same every year.
So ideally you should not worrying about that much.
Work hard and you'll surely get a good college.
Best of luck.
The cut off varies state to state so please tell which particular one you are asking for or which state domicile you are having?