What is difference between computer and software engineering?which is better scope for job?
Software Engineering is the set of practices, processes, and tools used to construct software in practice. This involves elements such as development models (waterfall, agile, etc), software configuration management (git, cvs, etc), compilers and IDEs, and runtime issues such as shared libraries, ABIs (Application Binary Interfaces), binary compatibility, etc.
Computer Science is the set of theories and mathematics used to understand and advance the state of computer programming. This involves elements such as computational complexity (big-O), data-structures, algorithms, and theoretical models such as programming language theory and type-theory.
In other words…Computer Science wants to ignore all the details so they don’t get in the way of theoretical models, and often imagines a world with “infinite memory, and infinite disk” — whereas Software Engineering is the process of managing all the details to build actually useful stuff.
hi Bhaskar
In contrast to CS and SE, Computer Engineering emphasizes solving problems in digital hardware and at the hardware- software interface. Computer Science (CS) focuses on understanding, designing, and developing programs and computers . ... Software Engineering (SE) deals with building and maintaining software systems
Both has the better scope as it is very difficult to distinguish each other.
all the best!!!!!