what is difference between spot round and csab special rounds?
Answer (1)
Special round is just like other rounds ,it held at the end of the couselling procedure. People who are already alloted with the college can apply for the special round.
Spot round is held for the vacant seats available in NITs,IIITs,CFTIs. People who have didnt get any seat till 7th round ,can apply for spot round. Anyone with a college alloted ,cant apply for spot round.
Hope you find this answer helpful.
Special round is just like other rounds ,it held at the end of the couselling procedure. People who are already alloted with the college can apply for the special round.
Spot round is held for the vacant seats available in NITs,IIITs,CFTIs. People who have didnt get any seat till 7th round ,can apply for spot round. Anyone with a college alloted ,cant apply for spot round.
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