Latest: CAT 2024 IIMs/Non-IIMs MBA GD-PI Call Predictor - Analyze Now
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Hello aspirant,
CAT has a fixed number of 100 questions while IIFT goes on changing its number of questions every year. As such CAT has a fixed exam pattern and IIFT exam pattern changes each year. CAT is the mandatory entrance test for admission to IIMs and IIFT entrance test is the mandatory entrance test for admission to MBA (IB) in all the three campuses of Indian Institute of Foreign Trade. CAT has uniform marking pattern for each correct answer with +3 marks while IIFT marking pattern varies between 0.5 mark to 1 mark for each correct answer. CAT offers admission opportunity in 20 IIMs, FMS, MDI, IITs, NITIE, IMI, SPJIMR, JBIMS among others while IIFT entrance exam is institute based and offers admission in IIFT Delhi, Kolkata and Kakinada campuses. CAT is a computer based test while IIFT is a paper based test.
Hope, this information helps you.
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