what is electromagnetic field and explain
Answer (1)
Anelectromagnetic field(alsoEM field) is a classical (i.e. non-quantum)field produced by movingelectric charge.It is the field described byclassical electrodynamics and is the classical counterpart to theinquantum electrodynamics. The electromagnetic field propagates at the speed of light (in fact, this field can be identifiedaslight) and interacts with charges and currents. Itsquadquantized electro magnetic field counter part one of the fourfundamental forces of nature (the others aregravitation,weak interactionandstrong interaction.)
The field can be viewed as the combination of anelectric fieldand magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges (currents); these two are often described as the sources of the field. The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Maxwell's equationand thelorentz force law.The force created by the electric field is much stronger than the force created by the magnetic field.
From aclassical perspective in thehistory of electromagnetism, the electromagnetic field can be regarded as a smooth, continuousfield, propagated in a wavelike manner. By contrast, from the perspective ofquantum field theory, this field is seen as quantized; meaning that the free quantum field (i.e. non-interacting field) can be expressed as the Fourier sum of creation and annihilationin energy-momentum space while the effects of the interacting quantum field may be analyzed inperturbation theoryvia thes-matrixwith the aid of a whole host of mathematical technologies such as thedyson series,wicks theorem,correlation function,time evolution operators,Feynman diagrametc. Note that the quantized field is still spatially continuous; itsenergy stateshowever are discrete (the field's energy states must not be confused with itsenergy values, which are continuous; the quantum field'screation operatoracreate multiplediscretestates of energy called photons....
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Anelectromagnetic field(alsoEM field) is a classical (i.e. non-quantum)field produced by movingelectric charge.It is the field described byclassical electrodynamics and is the classical counterpart to theinquantum electrodynamics. The electromagnetic field propagates at the speed of light (in fact, this field can be identifiedaslight) and interacts with charges and currents. Itsquadquantized electro magnetic field counter part one of the fourfundamental forces of nature (the others aregravitation,weak interactionandstrong interaction.)
The field can be viewed as the combination of anelectric fieldand magnetic field. The electric field is produced by stationary charges, and the magnetic field by moving charges (currents); these two are often described as the sources of the field. The way in which charges and currents interact with the electromagnetic field is described by Maxwell's equationand thelorentz force law.The force created by the electric field is much stronger than the force created by the magnetic field.
From aclassical perspective in thehistory of electromagnetism, the electromagnetic field can be regarded as a smooth, continuousfield, propagated in a wavelike manner. By contrast, from the perspective ofquantum field theory, this field is seen as quantized; meaning that the free quantum field (i.e. non-interacting field) can be expressed as the Fourier sum of creation and annihilationin energy-momentum space while the effects of the interacting quantum field may be analyzed inperturbation theoryvia thes-matrixwith the aid of a whole host of mathematical technologies such as thedyson series,wicks theorem,correlation function,time evolution operators,Feynman diagrametc. Note that the quantized field is still spatially continuous; itsenergy stateshowever are discrete (the field's energy states must not be confused with itsenergy values, which are continuous; the quantum field'screation operatoracreate multiplediscretestates of energy called photons....
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