what is fee criteria in DTU?. does any fee return in DTU as in NITs returns fee
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You haven't mentioned the course for which you want to know fee structure for. However let me give you some examples according to the 2019 fee structure notification by DTU for B.tech course for 1st year it was 1,66,000 for second year it is 1,90,000 for third year it is 2,06,000 for fourth year it is 2,19,000. Please click this link to know about the fee structure in details yourself https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://dtu.ac.in/Web/notice/2019/jan/file0122.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwitkM-q3uzrAhVUeH0KHSDNDBIQFjAKegQIAhAB&usg=AOvVaw2vxQFUJDt1d5T_75Vt-h-g
As far as fee refunding is considered then it is mentioned on their official website that :- ' First-semester students who have commenced the first semester. Students who drop out of their studies before 1 November/1 April of their first semester at DTUhave the right to a refundof 50 per cent of their tuition fees, excl. bank charges, regardless of the reason for dropping out.'
Hope it helps!