what is further procedure after we clear LPUNEST exam? for btech (CSE)
After clearing the LPUNEST exam, student needs to participate in an online counseling where student need to select the preference of the desired stream of B.Tech .
To know more, refer link- https://www.lpu.in/programmes/engineering/b-tech-computer-science
After clearing the LPUNEST exam, student needs to participate in an online counseling where student need to select the preference of the desired stream of B.Tech .
To know more, refer link- https://www.lpu.in/programmes/engineering/b-tech-computer-science
After clearing the LPUNEST exam, student needs to participate in an online counseling where student need to select the preference of the desired stream of B.Tech .
To know more, refer link- https://www.lpu.in/programmes/engineering/b-tech-computer-science
After clearing the LPUNEST exam, student needs to participate in an online counseling where student need to select the preference of the desired stream of B.Tech .
To know more, refer link- https://www.lpu.in/programmes/engineering/b-tech-computer-science
After that university will contact you and you will have orientation classes and other procedures of admission.
The next procedure is that you have to login into your account at http://www.admission.lpu.in (http://www.admission.lpu.in/)
After login, you have to attend the online counselling of seat preference. You need to fill the choice as per your preference. Then lock or submit the seat preferences. The last date of online counselling is 13th April 2021.
Then wait for the result of counselling. The counselling result will be declared on the given date
You are good to attend classes soon that will pave your way to a bright future.
After the result announcement of LPU NEST, qualified candidates must have to apply for the counselling/ interview procedure. The seat will be allotted to the candidates on the basis of the merit list.
Hope this helps you.
All the best
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