What is machine learning and its uses ?
Machine learning is the application of artificial intelligence that provides system the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience
Without being explicitly programme,it focuses on development of computer program that access data and use it learn for themselves
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Hello Student ,
As you know machine learning is one of the most exciting and innovative fields for the coming future. It is one of the most profitable skills you can learn. From Siri to Alexa Chatbots to Predictive analysis of Self-driving Cars. There are tons of uses for this futuristic tech. In a survey by McKinsey, 49% of companies are currently exploring or planning to use Machine Learning. M.L can be applied to every Industry including Healthcare, Education and Finance etc. Predictions while Commuting, Videos Surveillance, Social Media Services, Email Spam and Malware Filtering, Online Customer Support, Search Engine Result Refining and Product Recommendations are some of the uses of Machine Learning. Netflix uses Machine Learning to make recommendations it as users.
Hope this will help you !