what is NMC in mbbs after MCI? what is benifit to the students 2020 neet aspirants in NMC
Hello dear!
National medical commission (NMC) is now the new council to take decisions and amendments in Indian medical education. It replaced Medical council of India(MCI) on 25th of september 2020.It was created to abolish the alleged corruption processes occured in MCI. Its functions include
*taking decisions regarding functioning of existing medical colleges across the country.
*taking decisions regarding acceptance of new medical related institutions in country.
*It introduced a common medical entrance exam at the end of MBBS course called NEXT(National exit test) to get qualified for pg education and receiving permission for medical practice.
*It aimed to increase the no.of health care professionals to make health care accessible to everyone.
*It has rights to decide the changes in medical portion.
*It also decides about the Conductance of medical examination.
You can know more regarding NMC through the below link https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://news.careers360.com/nmc-bill-dawn-new-medical-sector/amp&ved=2ahUKEwiJkofL053sAhVQzDgGHd1uAWAQFjAJegQIARAB&usg=AOvVaw0CXl_VeSm281SgrwoLjtBC&cf=1
Hope you found this useful.
Thank you for asking.
the Ministry of Health introduced the National Medical Commission Bill (NMC) in Lok Sabha on July 22. The Bill intends to revolutionize the medical education landscape by bringing in radical changes like scrapping of National Eligibility cum Entrance Test for postgraduate (NEET-PG) and Foreign Medical Graduate Entrance Exam (FMGE). Replacing the two examinations, the bill proposes to introduce the National Exit Test (NEXT) which will be conducted for not only getting admission in postgraduate medical courses but will also be a licentiate exam, allowing medical students to get enrolled in the national or state register. Students in the final year of their MBBS course will be able to take the exam.
The bill proposes to merge all entrance exams at the undergraduate level which includes AIIMS and JIPMER with National Eligibility cum Entrance Test.
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