What is previous year2018 cutoff marks for niser Bhubaneswar for obc in nest exam. How many marks (estimation) would sure a seat in niser f
The previous year minimum admissible score for NEST exam was 108 i.e 90% of section wise minimum cutoff marks.
If you see the trend, they keep the cutoff marks always to be 45% of the total marks.
For example, it was 90 marks in 2016 when the total marks was 200 and it was 81 marks in 2017 when the total marks was 180.
As they vary the total marks of the examination between 180–240 so expect the cutoff to be between 80–110 marks.
But in my opinion it shouldn't bother you much as just clearing the cutoff will do you no good. Getting a seat all depends on your rank. Get a rank below 700 and you have a chance to get admitted to NISER. This would need a score of around 50–55%.
Good luck for your exams :)

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